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handbags but when I do some research they turn out not to be the real thing and are fake designer.How many handbags or purses does the average woman ownHow many handbags purses do you own? I never understood why some women have hundreds of handbags! i can understand having.What brand makes the nicest quality purses handbags for less thanIn you home, provided you are a woman or man, where do you leave your purse or your wallet? I just heard on the news that robbers look for purses left on the kitchen table or counter.Suddenly this co. wants to search purses as you leave At this store, there are 5 employees, this is a nation wide company, and corporate has come.Which is the best brand of handbags in the range 2k to 5k ? handbags for professional use as well as cool hand bagsWomen, in general, I think love handbags. It just one more FUN accessory to our warddrobes and we LOVE clothes! I think how many is the average for women, depends on the woman. If we talking a business woman who has to dress up alot, meet clients, etcetera. she will probably have more than the average woman. I have 4 currently and would love to have more. One of them is a Miche bag, which is a standard bag that has magneted changeable fronts covers so you can change the look anytime you want in a snap!Is there anywhere I can get cheap designer bags onlineI love designer handbags but hate paying the full price. Most of the sites online claim to offer cheap designer handbags but when I do some research they turn out not to be the real thing and are fake designer. But sell as knockoffs. Are you able to sell these purses in a retail in a store in Illinois. Thank You for your.Really cute purses, colorful, plaid, dark navy. Would it be more beneficial for traffic to name the website. 1 Something that included the word purse or handbags, like prettyhandbags. 2 Something.How many handbags do you ownToo many! I trade out depending on season or clothes worn, but I also have certain purses for for work.The worse thing, I noticed is the older I get the bigger the purses get! I never thought I need to haul so much "potential essentials" with me.Laugh at me now people, when you start carrying things like: a hair