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prada saffiano zip tote jewelry stores in your area I don't know which ones are good. I've only frequented this one in Glenville.Let me start by saying you all know I'm financially frugal, but I do think there are certain things you "invest" in, a ring being one of them. It is the one thing your spouse husband or wife will wear for the rest of their lives. So, before cost, you need to think about style. What does she like, and what does she absolutely hate? Once you determine that, you can start zeroing in on a cost.Say she's anti yellow gold possible, since that was popular for wedding rings through the 70s, but not as much today and doesn't like anything intricate. If that's the case, you could probably find something in white gold or even sterling silver, although I wouldn't recommend such a soft metal she'd love for much less than $1,000 maybe even less than $500. If, on the other hand, she's eyed some princess cut solitaire set in platinum her whole life, I would look into seeing how you can make a version of that work you will not find something that matches that exactly for less than $1,500. It may mean turning to the Internet, or traveling to NYC. But, that way, you'd gift her with something she'll love and be proud to wear for the next 50 plus years depending on your age and you won't blow your budget. That way, both your needs are met.Finally, if you do exceed what you feel is reasonable say you spend $2,000, rather than the $1,500 be honest with her about the cost. Explain you chose this ring because you knew it fit her style and wishes, but that it cost a little more than you had planned and you may need to cut back a bit come Christmas or her birthday, or whatever holidays you two celebrate. Money is an ongoing issue for all couples, so there is no reason not to be upfront about such things right from the start.I just can not stress enough the importance of finding out what she loves, first, then figuring out how to fit that in your budget. I have one friend from college whose husband simply went for cost no regard for aesthetics and bought her ring off the eBay or craigslist I can't recall which. Now, she is one of the least shallow, fashion conscious people I