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setting. Then fold the same end over an additional 12 inch so the raw edge is encased in the fold. Lightly press the second fold. Stitch around the edge of the entire fold forming a box to secure the fold in place. Repeat this process with the other end of the piece of ribbon. Be sure to fold the ribbon into the same side. Fold and stitch the edges of the remaining three ribbon pieces.Attach the ribbon to the inside of the bag. On the inside of the bag, line the ribbon up so that the folded portion of the ribbon faces the material of the bag at one of the safety pins. Line the upper edge of the folded portion of the ribbon so that it is just slightly about 18 inch below the top edge of the bag. Stitch the ribbon in place along the top and bottom edges of the folded portion of the ribbon. Remove the safety pin. If using a sewing machine, be sure to remove the pin before stitching in place to avoid breaking the needle.Attach the d ring and the other end of the ribbon. Slip the d ring through the ribbon piece that is attached to the inside of the bag. Line the other end of the ribbon up with the front of the bag the same way, with the folded ribbon facing in toward the material of the bag and lined up just below the top edge of the bag. Make sure that the ribbon is not twisted. Stitch in place along the top and bottom of the folded portion of ribbon. Stitch an "X" shape in the center of the folded portion of ribbon for additional security.How to Make Wooden Purse HandlesMany purses get retired because the straps become weak and frayed with years of continued use. But if only the straps on.How to Make Loops for D Rings for a Drawstring BackpackDrawstring backpacks are a simple sewing project that nearly anyone can complete. Choose the size, colors, and fabric you like best. Discover.How to Make Handbag HandlesHaving the right handles for your handbag project can make it stand out. Handbag handles can be purchased and attached to your.How to Make Fabric HandbagOf all fabric handbags, the easiest to make are ones made from placemats. Placemats come in a variety of solid colors, as.How to Sew Using D RingsLearn how to sew a children backpack using D rings with expert