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replica industry, there are two types of products that are manufactured; there are handbags which are made to look exactly like the original and the other type, usually called a facsimile of the original, which similar to a genuine Chanel handbag, but has subtle changes to make it look slightly different from the original. One of the biggest problems for unsuspecting customers is the fear that they might be purchasing a Chanel replica from an online dealer who is offering some fantastic bargains.Some Clues to Save Your Money When Buying A Chanel Handbag OnlineSome tips to use to avoid buying a replica Chanel are as under:Most Chanel handbags have a unique serial number detailing the year of production.The usual material used is leather, which is flawless in most cases, soft and flexible.The letters used in the logos are clear, concise, distinct, and spelt correctly.The famous Chanel logo is embossed on the interior of the handbag.Every handbag from The House of Chanel is delivered with an authenticity document, a label or certificate mentioning an ID number.An original Chanel handbag is elegant in design, simple in concept, and exudes class which makes it the perfect choice for any gala event. High standard comes with a similar cost, making it very prohibitive for normal people who aspire to own a Chanel product.How To Avoid Counterfeit Products While Online ShoppingWASHINGTON WUSA 46 days until Christmas and I know you are starting to pull together your holiday shopping list.Shopping online has become a favorite way to snag a great deal, but not all internet merchants are created equal. Low prices can blind consumers from spotting fakes.Americans love deals on designer items and scammers know it. Clothing, shoes and handbags are among the most popular items for counterfeiters, so do some homework before you buy.Before you go ahead and jump on that deal, check out a merchant especially one you're unfamiliar with ahead of time. Go online, put the merchants name in a search engine, and the words "rip off" and "complaint" and see what other people that have dealt with them are saying.Some other tips:Look for security features like a seal of a sticker a real