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consultants, transforming the company from a mainframe computer vendor into a computing services vendor.Communicate your new value strategy to potential customers.Once you've implemented all the operational changes required to reposition your product in the marketplace, it's time to tell the world why your firm offers superior value. That means adopting a communications strategy that matches your market strategy, as follows:If you offer lower prices, mimic the competition's go to market strategy. Ensure that whenever a customer sees a competitor's product, your product is right next to it at a lower price. Example: Kinko's searches out local printcopy shops and locates a franchise across the street, offering prices that the local shop can't match and eventually driving them out of business.If you build a uniquely better product, target your advertising. Reach customer groups that are most likely to believe your product is superior by selecting venues that the competition neglects. Example: Sony's VAIO PC business advertises in lifestyle magazines to reach female buyers, who are more likely to appreciate the VAIO's sleek design.If you create a hassle free experience, generate positive word of mouth. Make it easy for your customers to sell for you. Consider "tell a friend" coupons or offer referral fees. Example: "Network Marketing" products like Amway are typically priced higher than store bought items, but they are sold by neighbors to neighbors that's the word of mouth and drop shipped to the buyers that's the hassle free part.If you take ownership of the customer's results, create a presence as an industry insider. Get your sales consultants out to conferences, working groups, and industry association meetings where they can work closely with decision makers and develop consulting opportunities. Support your consultants with a wealth of case studies and reference materials. Example: The IT consulting firm Accenture promises to take responsibility for the successful implementation of the strategies it develops for clients.How to be yourselfThis must be one of the most given pieces of advice and it sounds more than overrated. But is it really?How often do we meet people who