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life coach what is Borneo. It about seeing the sites, meeting the people, and working together to make things better.Agrotourism Does for farming what ecotourism did for nature brings travelers closer to it, helps them learn more about it, provides them with a fun experience (organic wine tasting anyone?) and in the process helps to support farming as a rural way of life. Quite simply, agrotourism is hosting visitors on a working farm by offering cultural and educational programs. The best examples go much deeper than that by creating awareness about the farm to table supply chain and teaching stewardship of the land.Responsible Travel This is the umbrella term that incorporates all of the above based on experiencing the world and giving something back.Greenwashing This is the term used to describe a travel or tourism company that makes claims that they support green practices when, in reality, they do little or nothing at all. The good news is that companies that have made overstated green claims quickly end up regretting it. Aspen Snowmass, for example, had to retract some of their statements about removing tons of carbon from the atmosphere as a way to combat global warming when they could not support their claims with proof. The result was a headline in Business Week about them called "Little Green Lies". (In fairness, Aspen is actually doing great green work in the ski industry, but they went too far in making claims beyond what they were really doing). Today, greenwashing is becoming less of a problem than it was fifteen years ago when ecotourism was just making its way onto the world stage. As the