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life coaching blog of those for skating for a while, then switched to my bike helmet, because it was heavy and caused me to overheat. A cheap bike helmet, like any of the $35 Bells, weighs nearly nothing, has plenty of ventilation, and meets all industry safety standards. No helmet will look cool, per se, but looking like you don't want to end up a vegetable (read: smart) is pretty cool in my book.U locks are still the gold standard, right? Yes, as long as you spend more than $25 for a good one, and make sure you use it correctly (ie: don't just lock your front wheel, don't buy a U lock at Wal Mart).Does it matter if it's actually a Kryptonite? No. I use OnGuard, and there are other good brands.Chicago is pretty well lit; do I really need a eye scorching headlight if I never ride trails? No but the brighter the light, the better the chance a driver will see you. Also, a blink setting is really nice for being seen at dusk. Lo Carb! at 1:46 PM on August 20, 2009Do you live in Portland?posted by mecran01 at 1:48 PM on August 20, 2009Locks: it depends on where you are, and how much your bike is worth. Living in NYC, my bike is a perpetual target, and bike thieves will try andget awaywith whatever they can. I actually use three locks to lock up my bike. I use the lock for my rear wheel and my frame, and then two wire locks to lock my front tire to my frame and my seat to my frame.Your back wheel is more valuable than your front, because it has the cog attached, so if you are going with a U lock, put it through both the frame and the back tire. it's a a good idea to lock both tires to your bike if you have quick