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coaching certifications deal with a very difficult game. He didn get a lot of help from his assistants and I have absolute no axe to grind with him. He did a good job in the situation he was in.Bitter is the NewThe editor should have taken a hard look at and employed Coco Chanel maxim: Always take off the last thing you put on. In this case, that would apply to the footnoting. A footnote should be a small but insightful or at least humorous from the text. Lancaster footnoted work it, girl to her own assertion that her reflection is (not approximates Angelina Jolie, and rhetorical comment to her too slow for her liking coworker Arty to squirty in the potty like a big boy add nothing to the text are unfortunately flesh crawlingly bad. Deleting the footnotes wouldn have made the book good, but would have been an enormous improvement.This novel is also the most egregious example of telling instead of showing I ever encountered. The sentence had pithy and witty conversation should only be used if it is meant to be getting us somewhere more interesting especially since evidence of the speaker wit was sorely lacking and would have merited an example. The reason good writing resonates with an audience is because the reader is doing half of the work, but Lancaster doesn trust us to grasp that she is better than, and hates, everyone she states it repeatedly and verbatim. It wears thin pretty quickly; after all, we happy to read that she is smarter than everyone, but now she saying she smarter than us.The most grating offense is that Lancaster seems to be in love with her own narrative exemplified in such lines as think it all