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coach outlet howell mi its attacks on Leicester.Of course the battle is not easy, but the result was never really in doubt from the beginning. It was just a factor of time before Leicester would fix the machine. Before that, of course, we have to see the heroes all unite along with everyone in the world to wish for the world's problems to be fixed. Happy ending.The only problem is that it is a rather anti climactic ending. Granted, anything other than a happy ending would be hard to imagine for this show, as that would end up being an incredible downer. What few surprises there are that are revealed in this episode are minor ones, including an unexpected family relationship for one of the principal cast members, and the revelation that Leicester's father and Vita from the Nanohaverse share similar ideas about what makes for a good weapon.The show has traded on cliches from the very beginning, so it is a matter of course that it has a cliched happy ending. Perhaps that is because the ending was never really in doubt, it was just a matter of seeing them go through the motions before putting the bow on the fully wrapped up conclusion. While it may be lodged as a complaint that the show lacks anything original to it, that might be to miss the point. It serves up the anime equivalent of comfort food to the segment of the audience that enjoys this type of show. We have pretty girls doing cute things. We have pretty girls engaging in fierce combat. We have a male lead who is unoffending in the extreme, though that is perhaps his only real virtue. The challenges that have been placed in front of the heroes have been just