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by homo phobia toshun it, and the woman not have a complex against doing it, then it could be done in good company and enjoyed)This is in part what the older men I worked with would talk about. The irony of how we are here in the USA (circa 1979) and how others were over seas (circa 1918, 1942, and 1968) by comparison. The older guys were still in awe of the UNI campus in 1969 when the girls began to start "carrying on" the way they were in France in the early 1940's)I could tell stories that would still be "unbelievable" to most on this board today that I heard old men relating when I was a boy. What would make them so unbelievable ? The fact that we are so entrenched in our culture with ourbeliefs of what "People do and don't do" that it's hard to imagine when one hears of it. This is largely why so many older military vets only spoke of this stuff with each other. If the general public heard them speak of it they would beCougar and Daughter ArchiveKind of a grey area there.Nah, thats not creepy. Kind of a grey area there.When I go do thing's with my mother we go to lunch or we go shopping (even though I hate to shop) She love's shopping.I go just to spend time with my mom I wouldnt want to be picking up men with my mom that is just creepy to me. Kind of a grey area there.Its a matter of degree. I see nothing wrong with a little harmless flirting, but not with the intent of going out to find a ONS or anything. By harmless flirting, I mean if a guy chats up the mother and there's some joking and bantering. Maybe dancing. So what? Just going out and having some fun, but not looking to pick up