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life coaching online free years later, it premiered four decades ago tonight, and then we canceled.First it was Paris Hilton and In N Out, now it's Lindsay Lohan just out, out a million dollars' worth of jewelry after her purse was stolen. Hmm. Isn't Hilton Lohan's mortal enemy?All that and more, now on COUNTDOWN.Good evening from New York. This is Friday, September 8, 60 days until the 2006 midterm elections, three days until the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, and two days until part one of the ABC docudrama "The Path to 9/11" premieres, probably.President Clinton wants it pulled, and it now appears that President Bush might fulfill his wish. He decided today to address the nation on September 11. Three days ago, he was on this network perpetuating the inaccuracy that Clinton ignored over a dozen opportunities to get bin Laden, quote, "They had 13 different shots, including a February 1996 offer by Sudan." Then even he pulled a 180, saying, quote, "We just never had eyes on bin Laden in the pre 9/11 situation," calling the docudrama scene showing agents on the verge of catching him, quote, "Internet myth."But despite such fact checking, and despite the fact that ABC's own terrorism expert, Richard Clarke, who's featured in the docudrama, says it is inaccurate, certain members of the media still repeating the factual inaccuracies. Case in point, Alessandra Stanley in "The New York Times," who writes, "The September 11 commission concluded that the sex scandal distracted the Clinton administration from the terrorist threat."Wrong. As often happens, Ms. Stanley is doing her research in an alternate