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bus motorcoach streams will contain material from incomplete studies because that is the nature of conferences. My own experience was more positive as several methodology strands provided evidence of the maturity of the discipline and there were world leading sessions presenting evidence on improving quality of care and eHealth.For those who haven't attended SAPC before I can thoroughly recommend it as one of the best primary care conferences internationally. I may be biased of course since I am part of the team organising next year's event when SAPC returns to Scotland in St Andrews next year.BMJ Blog Archive Anna Donald on the joy of carers and nasogastric tubesI'm lying in bed at 4 in the afternoon drinking Yakult. The little pot of yoghurty bacteria, recommended by a friend. I have no idea if it will help my grumbly tummy/abdomen, so, like so many things, I'll give it a go and see. I still have mucositis from my mouth right through my gut, making eating hazardous and throwing up an embarrassingly common and unpredictable event (for example, in my carer's car). I've started to carry little plastic bags in my handbag, just in case.And I have a carer. Three, in fact, for different days. These wonderful women appear at our door at 9am and do all the things I can't for the time being like clear up the kitchen, do the never ending pile of washing, iron, tidy the lounge room, take phone calls and let people in and out, and make me endless cups of tea. Drive me to the shops, or do the shopping for me. They also keep me company. It is enormously comforting having another presence in the house when you're in pain