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life coach aberdeen result of the Internet. And so for those of you who followed at least Macy's, 5, 6 years ago, people thought about comps in the 1% to 2% range. Now, with the Internet and omnichannel, which is really a way of getting total sales growth, frankly without the investment of new stores, the dynamic has changed. And really, the comp, instead of 1% to 2% should be thought of in 3% to 4%. So we are quite confident that we will be able to continue a fourth year of comp store sales growth in that range. From a macro perspective, we think the customer is okay, not particularly strong, not particularly weak. And we look at the momentum we have coming into the year and we feel quite confident. It doesn't mean that we're not cognizant of all that's going on in Washington and what's going on with the payroll tax and every other factor, but we feel as if the environment will be supportive of us achieving the guidance that we've laid out.So, I guess, in our estimates, the brick and mortar stores for you last year grew about 1%, e commerce 40% plus. I appreciate the difference between Internet and retail becoming increasingly blurry and you guys certainly do the job of talking about that, but how do you think about obviously, most people think about this industry as a very low growth industry over time that ends up being the winners end up being true share gains stories, and you guys are obviously executing very well within that environment, but how do you think about the longer term measure of brick and mortar?I think the measure of brick and mortar, the whole concept needs to go out the window.