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coach purse outlet stores just go back to using the 'dumb' features like watching free to air and playing DVDs. My advice? Don't bother paying extra for a smart TV, and just use something like an Xbox 360 or Apple TV neither of which have the user interface or lag problems of the current smart TVs to give you those same features, and more besides. Do you own a smart TV? Do you think it was worth the investment?Tell us belowAs an alternative to a smart TV I use a PS3.I love this set up with only needing a HDMI lead to my flatscreen. The downfall is as mentioned trying to surf the net using a remote control (or included gaming controller).I now have 2 PS3's in the house (lounge and bedroom) and I love the ease of streaming all of my digital content to either device.All for around $500!I thought I could access the internet like on the computer, but the "smart" tv only lets you get on what the manufacturer wants you to do through their own aps. What a sham! And you need fast speed broadband to be able to download anthing. Too bad if you can only get wireless broadband.I bought a Blu Ray Play with internet TV capability as my DVD player died. I ditched the remote in favour of Smart Phone App and found it quite user friendly, especially the touch screen keyboard. I use Youtube and ABC Iview quite regularly and other content provided by the Internet Hub. The technology is evolving and the constant firmware updates have improved content and useability. I will eventually update the TV once the technology is entrenched.I 100% agree 3D is a waste of money but i think smart TV's are quite good.More and more digital media is becoming