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store coach outlet online (and deplete) my stash, but no one will let me near theirs so I started playing their game.I probably being silly for not wanting to share, since the same scent can smell completely different on different people skin once it settled but still.Are you Spending to MuchIt started off innocently enough. A pair of shoes here, a handbag there. Not big purchases, by any means. Before she knew it, however, Susan was out shopping on her lunch break everyday. She'd hit the mall and come out with three of four bags full of clothing, and oftentimes not remember what she'd bought. Shopping made her happy, gave her a "high", but in order to keep her husband from knowing how much she spent she often kept her purchases at the office and bring them home one at a time. Soon she started circumventing the mail in order to grab her credit card statements so he wouldn't see how much she'd been spending. Her closets will filled to the brim with clothes she'd never even worn. She knew she was out of control, but didn't know how to stop.With shopping often touted as America's Favorite Pastime, the number of people with problems just like Susan's is on the rise. Compulsive shopping is a growing epidemic thanks in large part to the easy access to credit cards we have, as well as the wide variety of television shopping channels and e commerce sites. While there is little research on the problem, many university studies estimate that between 2 and 8 percent of us are afflicted with compulsive shopping disorder, 90% of them women. Many experts argue the number may be much higher.While many people may laugh at the idea, the