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is there a coach factory store online and some acknowledgment of a character named Miles or Millie Turner, trainer, would have to occur.By the time I arrive at the Winship building, 20 minutes after the end of the kick off gathering and weighed down with moviemaking equipment I had rented from Mopac Media, Lyn has already told the others about their guidelines, and they're deep into a discussion about superhero genre conventions capes and tights, superpowers and supervillains, square jaws and damsels tied to train tracks and about their shared desire to avoid them.Gathered around those square set tables, Lyn, Will, Tiffany, Tasha, Robert, Ben, and Jade engage in a group variation on what by all rights and traditions should be the most solitary of creative endeavors: the writing of a story. Three hours later, with a basic outline finished and a thousand ideas floating around the building, Will will sit alone in the hallway outside the classroom with just a laptop computer and the ticking of the clock to keep him company, and at that point, the story will be entirely in his hands. But for now, writing is a collaborative effort.Ideas come in bursts, building on those that came before them or creating out of the air entirely new strands that either capture the fancy of the room and spark new ideas or die quietly underneath a flood of indifferent conversation. For a while, the movie they're writing is a comedy; for a time, it's a drama. Then it's back to being a comedy again. Lyn wants the hero to be unconventional, unassuming, perhaps even unaware of his own powers. One of the visual artists Jade or Robert suggests that a