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life coaching institute of australia the Consumer Staples Index as measured by the I Share XLP has indeed outperformed the Standard Poor's 500. But the last six months (10/15/08 to 4/15/09) tell a different story. The XLP declined 8.7% versus the S 500 which is only off 6.1%.What is even more interesting is the performance of the Technology Select Index as represented by the I Share XLK. This is comprised of companies like Microsoft, Intel, Apple Computer and IBM to name a few of the larger holdings. As expected for the last 12 months it has underperformed the Consumer Staples Index and outperformed the broader S 500. For the last six months the XLK is actually up +4.5%. (Source: Wall Street Journal) It would appear the market is looking beyond the recession and toward companies with the ability to grow their earnings based on new product cycles. P in an effort to diversity and grow its earnings is getting into the car wash franchise business and calling it what else but Mr. Clean. Maybe consumer staple stocks might not be the best way to clean up going forward.This year "will continue to be a difficult year for America's economy," the president said. "The severity of this recession will cause more job loss, more foreclosures and more pain before it ends. The market will continue to rise and fall. Credit is still not flowing nearly as easily as it should."This came from President Obama's speech yesterday. If he's correct, and tougher times are still ahead of us, what could a timeline look like for recovery? Especially since members of his own administration have predicted that it could be over by year's end.It's understandable