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used hand signals to indicate he was turning to avoid burning out the headlight bulbs. He washed dishes in cold water to keep the hot water bill down. As a child, Lauren hated how cheap her father was. But she grew up into a proudly cheap adult, and her book in support of cheapitude has just been released.Weber already participated in our Will a Cheapskate Spend Good Money On series, in which she revealed that while her boots cost $350, she makes her own laundry detergent to save money. Now, while discussing her book In Cheap We Trust: The Story of a Misunderstood American Virtue, she addresses issues near and dear to the hearts of many cheapskates. Namely, why is spending money equated with being patriotic? And is wax paper a good (cheaper) substitute for toilet paper?Cheapskate: I think so much of spending (and overspending) comes down to up with the Joneses, which seems like it a timeless practice. Has up with the Joneses been around forever? And in your research, have any groups been able to successfully avoid such a mentality? If so, how do they do it? I mean, even the Amish have been guilty of the practice, pimping out their carriages with LED lighting and velvet.Lauren Weber: The phenomenon of "keeping up with the Joneses" is probably as old as the Egyptian pyramids, if not older. After all, how would it look if one pharaoh had 100 gold goblets and the next one only had 90? Like ours, early human societies used possessions as one way of measuring a person's power and status.I think human beings and other animals might just be wired for emulation and aspiration, and it requires a