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draws the family closer together.3. Slow down your digestion process by eating foods containing protein BEFORE eating foods containing carbohydrates. Doing this will help keep your blood sugar more stabilized, help you feel fuller sooner, and help you avoid overeating.4. Enjoy the special treats you love, just fewer bites. The first two or three bites of any of your favorite foods are the most enjoyable and tasty. Allow yourself to enjoy special treats and your favorite dishes on the holidays in moderation.5. For buffet style dinners, do a walk around the buffet line without a plate and notice your favorite items. Then take a minute or two to set your priorities. Then take the smaller plate and go through the buffet line, limiting your portions by not stacking your food. Only build one level of food on your plate. You can always go back if you missed something you are craving.6. Avoid going to a big meal hungry. Stay on your normal eating schedule the day of a big meal. This will help control your hunger so you are less likely to over eat.7. Fill up with less food by chewing your food more slowly. Try laying your fork down between bites so you enjoy your meal at a more relaxed pace.8. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your cells hydrated, to maintain a strong energy level, and to support your digestion. Good hydration enables you to make better food choices.9. Take time each day to unwind. During the holidays it is easy for schedules to get too busy and for each of us to reach emotional overload. The airlines express the idea well: "If traveling with a child, place your