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coach purse small shoes. Don't get me started on nylon stockings, which seem like a cruel joke when you are in a rush.Apparently our frustration with clothes can be more than merely annoying it can impact our mental health. found that wearing a suit or fitted dress contributed to stress and negatively impacted productivity.If you factor in the media's role, deciding what clothes define success can be even more challenging, especially for women. Consider the ink spilled over Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer's photo spread in Vogue. The message that I draw from this brouhaha is that women are expected to look good, but not too good. and many find the concept of a glamorous tech visionary seems outlandish.So how does one navigate this dreaded middle season of hot and cold? Decisiveness is the key insists Toronto based fashion stylist Rinat Samuel, who tells her clients to "let each season go and move forward.""Don't make the mistake of keeping summer in your fall wardrobe and vice versa. You will be in a rush one day and make a fashion mistake in an important meeting," she warned.Even if one embraces fall, despite sporadic summer temperatures, dress code norms in companies continually evolve making it difficult to navigate. Since clothes reflect your employer's image and reputation, consider your surroundings before splurging on a runway knock off or an ironic dork T shirt. Erin Nadler, president of Better Styled in Toronto, suggests carefully observing the choices of your boss and colleagues before making any radical fashion decisions."When in doubt business to business casual are always a safe bet. You're always