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coaches bus prolonged sitting. But recent research also shows that surprisingly few cases of back pain are a result of serious accident or injury the vast majority are caused by the cumulative effects of our lifestyle that we tend to ignore. will often come to me in pain and say, just bent down to lift something heavy and my back started aching But it actually their simple daily habits, the predisposing factor with time, that has aggravated the problem and has led to the weakness, says Dr. Maheshwari.Here are a few habits to watch out for.Sitting and standing put considerable pressure on the lower back. Standing exerts more pressure than lying down or sitting, and is even more strenuous. In fact, researchers believe that a poor sitting posture is a major contributor to lower back pain. Poor standing and lying posture aren good for your back either. cities, the urban population spends long hours just commuting to and from work. This aggravates lower back pain and can even be the cause of it, says Dr. Maheshwari.Sitting in an office chair for long hours in a static posture increases stress on the back, shoulders, arms and legs, and, in particular, can put considerable pressure on the back muscles and spinal discs. Most people slouch in the office chair and incorrect sitting posture, over time, damages the spinal structure or worsens back pain. Get up from your seat and walk up and down for a few minutes, at least once an hour, to improve your posture. Aim for a neutral spine position, in which everything is in line, with no strain spots. Your shoulders should be relaxed, feet firmly on the floor