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the coach outlet online store Amendment. And don't try to tell me that it is only militias that was the intent of the 2nd Amendment. Militias were comprised of individuals who were armed and ready to serve. The militia simply aided in their organization."According to the new Violence Policy Center on line resource CCW Killers, during the period May 2007 through October 2009 concealed handgun permit holders killed eight law enforcement officers and 77 private citizens (including 10 shooters who killed themselves after an attack). "So much for the credibility of the unbelievable, naked assertion that gun owners holding permits are more responsible than police officers.The article goes on to point out that states that give people permits to carry concealed guns are reticent to publish incidents involving permit holders. (As a result, the statistics above are probably understated. Silence and stiffling or muzzling such incidents is not proof that they do not occur.) Could it be that the legislatures responsible for such laws profess public accountability but in fact want to AVOID accountability for themselves, gun manufacuturers, and gun lobbyists?And, to those who prefer worshiping before "conservative" symbols, labels, platitudes, and slogans to employing reasoned discussion and verifiable data, I ask, what about the "conservative" principle that individuals, within reason, should have the last say in what they will and will not allow in their own private places of business? Here we have government telling those owners what they will allow even though it is reasonable to leave it up to them to decide whether they want armed civilians