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purchase baskets in order to pay only a single commission on an exceptionally large transaction. A basket is also useful in an index arbitrage transaction.2. See: Currency basket.basket A preassembled group of securities. s allow individual investors to acquire a group of securities with a single trade while paying one commission. A basket is a group of securities that have been put together for a specific investment purpose and are traded as a unit. The baskets then become creation units for an ETF that tracks that index. also refers to a group of 15 or more securities with a combined value of $1 million that institutional investors and arbitrageurs assemble to use in program trading. The program trading is driven by sophisticated computer software that may automatically trigger trading when prices, or spreads between prices, hit predetermined levels.Since baskets represent large values, basket trading can cause abrupt price changes in a stock or group of stocks included in a basket and may even have a dramatic effect on the overall market.BASKETS IN KENYAI'm afraid my knowledge of African basketry is limited to what little I have read. I have seen coiled or twined African Baskets in shops here in the US but have only seen pictures in books of their plaited baskets. I have never known or chatted via internet with any basketmakers in Africa so have no first hand knowledge of the materials used but what little I have been able to find to read has listed palms, sisal, and grasses as the predominant fibers. The basket most often referenced for shopping in Kenya is called a kiondo it is often