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wellness coach certification a wall, but time and noise are involved. I think unless thieves know you have serious valuables locked in it, the risk may be too great to attempt.However, my logic does not necessarily hold true.On the other hand, if you carry the passport on your person, it is vitally important it is kept out of sight in a waist wallets or other protective gear worn under your outer garments.While I am told the new Canadian passports will not be easy to scan by thieves, you should also make sure you get a waist wallet or similar unit with radio frequency identification (RFID)protection.The price of these is not much different than those without the RFID protection. With them, credit cards or other radio frequency documents will be safer.There has been significant publicity around this issue over the last months and it is a continuing source of concern for travellers in questions to me.Even with the publicity, few understand why the issue has suddenly seemed to have jumped to the forefront.Scanning devices can pick up all the information contained in these credit cards, to my limited technical understanding, because of the electromagnetic field built into the cards for the purpose of identification. The chip is tiny and occupies a small portion of your credit card. Nevertheless, sophisticated scanning devices can read the information contained therein from a distance.From my observation, it appears every brand of wallet and handbag is steadily introducing RDIF options.Be An Angel Wish ListSlatington, PA 18080A volunteer group committed to improving quality of life by encouraging community involvement. Provides