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original coach bags are her favourites because they are quick to bloom, produce no pollen and hold up in a container.have sunflowers all summer, plant 15 20 seeds every two weeks until two months before your first fall frost date, she says.Cockscomb likes it hot and dry, making it the perfect summer flower. Ziegler grows it in every imaginable colour, including lime green, salmon, red, orange, yellow, hot pink, rose and burgundy.flower also dries well, but they are especially vibrant and bright when used fresh, she says.For finishing touches in bouquets, she suggests plume celosias with thick feathery and thin plume spikes, and lemon or cinnamon basils that provide fragrant foliage when tucked among zinnias and sunflowers.To get your cutting garden growing, you need compost, mulch, digging tools, wheelbarrow and dry organic fertilizer.focus all our time, money and energy into caring for our soil by feeding it organic matter such as compost, says Ziegler.your soil is healthy, alive and protected with mulch you water half as much, your plants grow bigger and produce more, and produce stronger plants that are more disease resistant.An organic gardener through and through, Ziegler uses no toxic chemicals so beneficial insects feed on pests.a permanent spot in your garden with perennial plants such as yarrow provides a year round habitat for beneficial bugs, she says.water to your gardens also encourages birds and beneficial wildlife. We often use an upside down trash can lid, which also provides water for turtles and other ground dwellers.best part of sustainable, all natural gardening is that it easy and cost